A little about me.

I am a parent of 2 children that attend Shawnee Heights.  That is the reason for all the pictures of Shawnee Heights. My family and I are big hockey fans.  We were currently season ticket holders for the Topeka Roadrunners.  I have always taken pictures to see what I can accomplish and to try to showcase the talent of those I am taking the pictures of.

How do I decide what to photograph?

I take pictures at the events I attend.  I mostly attend the events of the sports my family and I enjoy the most, if I know someone on the team, and/or if I know the parent of someone on the team.  Lately I have been at more events at the request of the coaches, parents, administration and/or athletes

Example of Washburn Rural basketball
Shawnee Heights soccer

Who do I decide what to photograph?

The people I photograph at the event based on the following:

  • If I know someone on the team,
  • If I know the parent of some on the team
  • If I see someone working hard.
  • If I see someone enjoying themselves.

If you are looking for someone specific and don't see them, I am sorry I might have missed taking a picture of them for one of the reasons above or because I just couldn't get a decent shot of them.


Is there a way to search the site for a specific person ?

Not at this time.  Due to the amount of time it would take to tag each photo with that kind of information I have not done that at this time.  Another reason I haven't added that feature to this site is I am not sure I want to place the names of the athletes on this site.  Again if this was my child would I like their name available?  I'm still trying to answer that question myself.


What if I would like a picture for my personal use?

See the link under "Contact" on requesting a picture.  I will consider all requests on an individual basis depending what the picture is of and who is requesting it.  As many of my recent pictures are of high school students I must look at the request as if that could be my child in the picture. Please included the following information in your request: The event name, The number under the picture(s), Player number or description, name of person in the photo, and if you related to the player/person and if so how.


What if I would like a picture removed?

See the link under "Contact" on requesting a picture being removed.  I will consider all requests on an individual basis depending what the picture is of and who is requesting it.  As many of my recent pictures are of high school students I must look at the request as if that could be my child in the picture.  All valid requests will be looked at seriously.    Please included the following information in your request:  The event name, The number under the picture(s), Player number or description , name of person to be removed, and why (if you don't mind).


I saw I picture that I liked and now it is gone?

Due to this is a constant work in progress things will be added and sometimes things might have to be removed for one reason or another. If you see something you liked and would like to see it added back to the site and I will see what I can do.  Please provide as much information as you can and I will try to keep track of the changes that I am making. See the link under "Contact" on General Questions or Comments.


How often do you plan on updating this site?

It depends in the early stage of creating this site on how much time I have to work on this site.  As someone with a full time job, 2 kids and a wife I won't have as much time as I would like to spend on it.  My family is my top priority now and always! This something that I have started for something to enjoy, to expand my knowledge, and see what I can create. Kind of like my pictures.  After the site has been up for awhile items will be added as I attend more events and/or changed depending on how I view the site should look.


What kinds of cameras are the pictures taken with?

The pictures has been taken with one of four different cameras:

I upgraded to a Nikon D90 and Nikon D80 SLR with a Sigma 70-200 2.8 lens, Sigma 120-300 2.8 lens, Sigma 24-70 2.8 lens, Sigma 150-500 5-6.3 lens & a Tamron 17-50 2.8 lens.

I have a Nikon 5200 pocket camera that I use for concerts, events and some sporting events due to its small size.  It is a 5 megapixel camera that is great to throw in a pocket and go, but is only a 3 times zoom.

I have a Nikon 5700 digital camera that was used for many of the pictures from spring 2003 until around Sept. 1, 2007 until I upgraded to the D80.  The 5700 is a 5 megapixel camera with a 7 times zoom and also allowed a 1.5 times addon lens.

I have a Sony Mavica digital camera.  It was my first digital camera.  It was a 1.3 megapixel camera that stored the pictures on standard 3.5 inch floppy disks.  This was back when the flash memory was high and floppies were cheap.

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